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Pricing Plans Shortcode

How to add pricing plans to page/post

To add pricing plans to your page simply click on pricing plans shortcode button, that can be found integrated in default editor panel in visual mode. See image below.

Pricing Plans Settings

Pricing plans settings comes with simple text fields, where you can fill in title, price, offer text, button text and url and also color.

“Button Color” allows you to set color for call to action button, it will set same for all plans. You can make all buttons with different color by changing button color directly in shortcode code. But make sure you don’t cut any code! Color should be in following format, i.e.: #c62b02.

“Offers count” block allows you to set how many plans will be in table (in our example it is 3).

after you are done with settings, click “Insert” button.

Shortcode will be placed in content, inside your editor. Exactly where the syntax is placed depends on where your cursor is. So don’t forget to place cursor in correct place in your content, before adding shortcode.

Shortcode Example:

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  • Up to 1000 users
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